Category Archives: Nitty Gritty Romance

Last Chance! Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor eBook for 99 Cents!

It’s your last chance to pick up

Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor

eBook for 99 cents!


How about a tension-filled excerpt to meet world-famous sculptor, “Cray”…?

Excerpt for Adults 18+ only!

“Come here.” He holds out his hand for me to walk ahead of him, and points down the nearly deserted, narrow side street.

I’m wobbly as I walk ahead. I’m way too high to be stable thanks to my heeled boots and my diet pills. I walk past the first three stores still busy with late-night shoppers, and find a quiet spot behind the railing attached to a set of basement stairs.

I turn toward him as he steps forward, reaches behind me, and slam! He smacks me on the ass. Hard.

“Huh!” I step back, wedging myself closer to the building, grabbing the railing for support. Lust and desire course through me as I rub my ass where his hand had been only moments before. My jeans moisten as I stare up into his dark, dangerous eyes.

“It’s not a good idea to roll your eyes at me.”

“No?” I lick my lips.


“What if I roll them again?” My low, breathy voice surprises me. I release the tiniest sigh as he steps closer.

“Are you testing me?” He backs me up against the building.



I roll my eyes again…slowly.

He moves so fast I barely have time to gasp as he grabs my right forearm and holds on so tightly, I can’t break away. As if I would try. He pulls me off the wall and closer to him until we’re nearly touching—chest to chest, hips to hips. He towers over me and stares into my eyes.

“Do it,” I whisper. “Again.”

He holds my arm tighter, and my body grows tense in response. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, leaning toward him. I can feel him raise his hand behind me.

“Look at me.” His voice is deep. 

I open my eyes. 

Slam! He spanks me harder this time. I moan as my body jolts forward against his, but I don’t move away. He leaves his hand on my ass, possessively cradling me, rubbing away the pain through my jeans. I nearly explode from desire.

I push closer and the bulge in his pants grows harder. 

“Cray,” I whisper.

I move my chin upward, and he takes his hand from my ass, and brings it to rest on my cheek. I nuzzle against it—tears aching in my eyes—as he exhales, loudly.

“Your face was made to be sculpted.” He runs his fingers across my cheekbones and into the hollows beneath them. He moves his hand to my hair that’s fallen across my shoulder, and he weaves his fingers through it. He brushes my collarbone as he does.

“It’s like you were made to be ravaged but protected, all at once.” He holds my chin and draws it upward, cupping me. He rubs my cheek with his thumb.

“Maybe I was.” I place my hand on his forearm that bulges with sinews.

He leans down, and I lift up onto my tiptoes. He tilts his head and his breath rushes out parted lips, crashing into mine. He raises my chin higher…

…and stops.

“Cray,” I’m nearly panting. “Don’t stop. Kiss me.”

He drops his hand and shakes his head. He moves away from me.

“We should go back inside. Janet was talking about something—I really,” he exhales, loudly, “I really didn’t pay any attention.”


Thanks for stopping by!

Blog Tour! Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor

Today kicks off the blog tour for, Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor! Book 1 in The New York Artists Series…After Dark.

To celebrate, how about a chance to WIN a fabulous prize…?


Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor

is only 99 cents for a few more days!

Grab your copy now! The price increases to $2.99 on release day.



On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Kimberly Rayne, “O,” moves to New York City to take her shot at becoming the painter she’s always dreamed she could be. But her desires run deeper; this is O’s chance to finally be with the one man she has loved since she was twelve years old, her older sister’s best friend and world-famous sculptor, thirty-eight-year-old, Douglas Craven.

For all those years “Cray” had never thought of himself as anything more than a mentor to O. Why would he? She was just an extremely talented kid who needed guidance. But lately, he can’t even look at her without thinking more…

Driven by his demons and taboo feelings, Cray sinks deeper into darkness. Terrified of a past that haunts her, O controls her life by abusing diet pills. As their lives plummet downward, they find their paths are inextricably linked. But can Cray ever overcome his oppressive guilt and have a life with O? And will O ever end her self-sabotage to be with Cray and become the artist they both know she can?

I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by!

Cover Reveal! Mistletoe, Mobsters, and Mozzarella

Today I am thrilled to share the Cover Reveal for the newest book from one of my
favorite authors,

Peggy Jaeger!

Mistletoe, Mobsters, and Mozzarella

Isn’t it gorgeous?! I can’t wait to read it!


Finding a body in the freezer of the family deli isn’t the way Madonna San Valentino planned to start her day.

Adding insult to injury, the investigating detective is the one guy she’s never been able to forget. After seven minutes of heaven in the back seat of his car when they were teenagers, Tony Roma skipped town without so much as a thanks for the memory.

Just when Madonna thinks the present situation can’t get any worse, Tony is ordered to go undercover at the deli to ferret out a killer. Forced to work together, she vows to keep their relationship cool and professional. But with the sexy, longing looks he tosses her at every turn, Madonna’s resolve is weakening.With Christmas drawing closer and Tony’s investigation taking an unexpected turn, Madonna is at her wit’s end. Can she really be falling for him again? And will he wind up leaving her broken hearted and alone like the last time?

It’s the perfect holiday gift for you and your romance loving friends!

And you can pre-order now!


Peggy is amazing! And funny.
You should follow her! Really!
You can find her here:


Enjoy! And thanks for stopping by!

Cover Reveal! Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor

I am so excited to share the cover for,

Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor

Book 1 in The New York Artists Series…After Dark!

What is The New York Artists Series…After Dark?

For those who’ve asked for darker subject matter and stronger tension, these books are for you! They’re standalone, told in first-person, with steamy scenes and high-tension.

When is, Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor, available?

October 9th, 2020! But presale orders will be available soon.

What’s the story about?

On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Kimberly Rayne, “O,” moves to New York City to take her shot at becoming the painter she’s always dreamed she could be. But her desires run deeper; this is O’s chance to finally be with the one man she has loved since she was twelve years old, her older sister’s best friend and world-famous sculptor, thirty-eight-year-old, Douglas Craven.

For all those years “Cray” had never thought of himself as anything more than a mentor to O. Why would he? She was just an extremely talented kid who needed guidance. But lately, he can’t even look at her without thinking more…

Driven by his demons and taboo feelings, Cray sinks deeper into darkness. Terrified of a past that haunts her, O controls her life by abusing diet pills. As their lives plummet downward, they find their paths are inextricably linked. But can Cray ever overcome his oppressive guilt and have a life with O? And will O ever end her self-sabotage to be with Cray and become the artist they both know she can?


Like all of my novels, they are slice-of-life, contemporary, real-feeling, and The New York Artists Series and New York Artists Series…After Dark, are heavy on the romance! 18+ only

What about The New York Artists Series?

There are currently 3 books in The New York Artists Series:

Summer of Irreverence: The Rock Star
To Be or Not To Be: The Actors
The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker

Where Birds Fly: The Sculptor, will be available for presale soon!

Thanks for stopping by!

On the Eighteenth of May – Blog Tour! And GIVEAWAY!

Today on the blog, I’m happy to feature,

On the Eighteenth of May,

by author, Jordan R. Samuel!

Blog Tour! plus Excerpt!

On the Eighteenth of May

by: Jordan R. Samuel

Genre: Adult/YA crossover – Romance/Mystery
Release Date: March 2020


On the evening of the eighteenth of May, a young woman named Cass walks alone into a small village with the intent to stay for exactly one year. Cass soon meets two precocious children, a caring and generous business owner, and the Chief of Police from the neighboring town. Family and loss are parts of many of their stories, and while these people, as well as others, attempt to know and help her, the history and troubled memories of what led Cass to this place begin to gradually unfold. As the potential for love and the pathway for healing become clearer, the date of departure approaches. Cass and those around her will be forced to decide how forcefully they are willing to hold on: to the past, to the pain, and to the person.

On the Eighteenth of May is the story of the people and events that are interwoven throughout Cass’ journey and her life. It is a story that examines the true test of strength in the deepest depths of sorrow, as felt by the human heart. It is a story that explores the perceived helplessness of those within the support structure, and the extent to which those we love can hinder or accelerate the healing process. Finally, it is a story that reminds us of the overwhelming power of comforting influences in all of our lives, as our human souls struggle, against all odds, to survive.

Add to Goodreads

Buy on Amazon!

Excerpt from Chapter 1

She then noticed a clearing ahead, on the right, amongst the never-ending curtains of forestry that lined the road. She passed a particularly massive tree, with huge limbs and large leaves, and then caught sight of a splotch of white. It was a house, sitting alone atop a small hill and gleaming subtly in the muted moonlight. It looked abandoned and quiet, even starkly quiet compared to the vast silence around it. There was a dark bridge that led over the river and merged into a long winding driveway that led to the house. She glanced back up, and she knew…

This house is the most peaceful…in this place.

She took out the single piece of paper and pen from her backpack. Over the span of a few rushed moments she sketched out the little she could see under the growing canopy of darkness. She wanted to draw the house right away, for there was no predicting what awaited her tomorrow or whether she would actually even see this house again. She had not found it to live in it, or even to visit it. She needed only to know that it existed. She would have the drawing as a reminder. A reminder that there was peace,and it was here.

Upon completion of the drawing, which she determined was a fairly accurate depiction, she folded and tucked the paper safely into the right pocket of her shorts while advancing further into the town in whose borders she was now fully immersed. She did so in full darkness, with no visible creature in sight and no available lodging to be seen. She saw a playground ahead and finally allowed herself to accept the weariness that had been gradually creeping into her mind and joints. Her last memories of the day were a slide, the sound of crickets, and a makeshift backpack pillow.

About the Author
Jordan R. Samuel is a former public school teacher and administrator who enjoys her current work as an Assistant Professor of Education. She spends her days with her husband, John, and her three children as she teaches, studies and writes. She enjoys travelling immensely, and penned many parts of this particular story while relaxing in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.


Enter to WIN a

$5 Amazon Gift Card!

Blog Tour Organized By:

YA Bound Book Tours

Already There

Walking the dog in the rain yesterday, I looked down and glimpsed my rain boots sloshing through puddles while the puppy ran ahead, and I had the oddest thought: What if I’m already there? That place I always hoped I’d be? What if we all are?

I had always imagined my life going in a certain way, I think most of us do. But what I saw as the “finish line” –the teaching, the writing, the dog I never expected we’d have—the way I saw my “eventual-ness,” is possibly the way I am now. Whoa. That was an eye-opening moment.

In my yoga classes this week I have been talking about intention without attachment to the outcome. Deepak Chopra gives this lovely quote:

“You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the results.”

Deepak Chopra

But how many of us actually live like this? What if we did? Of course we need goals and a means to live, but how often do we live not in these moments, but in the next? We go to work saying, “When I get the promotion, I’ll be…” or “When I write the next book it will be a bestseller and then…” But that’s attachment to outcome. What if what actually happens is so much better than we imagined? And if it’s not seemingly better, why is it so difficult to remember that things happen exactly as they should, exactly when they should? We are all on the perfect paths of our lives.

We are living exactly as we should be right now.

So I invite each of us to remember we are living for now, and not to attach to outcome. Because what if our “eventual-ness” is already here? 

A Beautiful Class Led by a Beautiful Soul.

Last week I took a beautiful yoga class led by a beautiful soul.

An incredibly fortunate way to start a weekend.

It was a class much like any other—a good class, a strong class—a class filled with intention, designed with care, spotted with instruction, and speckled with humor. But it was more than sequencing or asana.

It was the instructor.

Time and again I have been called to her class. I have often tried to dissect her dynamic pull (and it’s not just me, her room is maxed), but I’ve been unable.

Until now.

Yes, she is beautiful outside as well as in. But that’s not her draw. She is small in stature, never caught in fashion trends or designer tights, her hair is short and her vibe—fierce. 

She is ten years younger than me, yet I find myself learning from her rather than vice versa.

But why? Because she is one of the most genuine people I have ever met.

If she were a map, she would be so complex and detailed she’d be nearly impossible to read. She’d be covered with all that’s required and beautiful: mountains and valleys, oceans and rivers. But she would also show the darkness: the obstacles, road work, and traffic jams; the hours spent behind the wheel, crying, dreaming, wanting more, with stale coffee in hand and screaming children in the back.

Her roads would undoubtedly lead to unknown destinations.  

She assures us she has good days and bad. Yet as she lives them, you cannot help but feel she is truly experiencing them—touching them, never glazing over them or turning away from either love or fear.

For years I wondered what it was about this beautiful soul that made her so dynamic—now I see: she just is. Truthfully, honestly, messily, bravely, and beautifully.

A lesson I hope to learn.

And my wish for you is that someday you also take a beautiful class led by a truly beautiful soul.

Pre-Order Giveaway!

I have a new release coming out January 21, 2019!

The Risk of Happiness:

The Punk Rocker

The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker, is Book 3 in The New York Artists Series, but even if you haven’t read books 1 & 2, don’t worry! They’re all standalone so you can read in any order.


Bad boy punk rock star Reale Lynxx never expected to see his ex-girlfriend, Amanda Simmons, again. And after she’d stomped on his heart and walked out on him six years ago, he’s not so sure he wants to. Certainly Reale never imagined he would rescue Amanda and her son, Johnny, from drowning. But all it takes is one evening with her and Reale is ready to leave the past behind and try again.

Amanda never meant to hurt Reale and happily jumps heart-first into rebuilding their relationship. But when she confesses she left him to secretly raise their son, Reale grows livid, fighting her and gaining custody of Johnny…

When Reale realizes he was wrong for taking Johnny away, he tries to win Amanda back. But can she forgive the man who took her son? And can she ever trust Reale again, no matter how much she loves him?

Here’s the extra fun part:

There is a special gift for you when you Pre-Order
The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker (until Jan. 21, 2019)! 


Email me ( a copy of your paid receipt for
The Risk of Happiness: The Punk Rocker,
and I’ll send you TWO FREE GIFTS!

First! Receive a digital copy of
The Risk of Happiness Tour Lynxx poster
digitally SIGNED by Reale Lynxx!

Second! Receive an eBook of either one of the
first two books in The New York Artists Series !
Summer of Irreverence: The Rock Star


To Be or Not To Be: The Actors

That’s getting TWO books for the price of ONE!
But this offer is for PRE-ORDERS ONLY!
Order today! I can’t wait to send you an additional eBook & digital poster!



B & N

I really love this book, and I hope you will, too!

Happy Reading!

Happy New Year! Mala

Just a quick post today to wish you a very Happy 2019!

I started my new year this year by co-teaching a Mala — a series of 108 Sun Salutations at my yoga studio.

Before we began, we each took a slip of paper and wrote what we would like to release from 2018 : stress, anxiety, fear — whatever we needed to let go of. Then we wrote what we’d like to attract for 2019: love, peace, hope — again, it could be specific or general.

After we finished, tired and sweaty, we went outside in silence and burned our slips of paper. It was quite a profound experience, and one I’d love to share with you.

So even without the drama of a fire pit or the Sun Salutations, I encourage you to write down those things you’d like to release and those you’d like to attract, and have your own “ceremony” — just ripping the paper to shreds works! Then sit back and toast yourself, as we go forward to make 2019 our best year yet.

Happy New Year!

Excerpt – A Christmas Angel

A Christmas Angel – A Sneak Peek

My publisher is featuring a fun excerpt from my new holiday novel, featuring rock star Malcolm Angel… I included it here as a sneak peek!  I hope you enjoy! Happy Holidays!

A story to celebrate the holidays…Do you love Malcolm and Summer? Want to know what happens when Summer of Irreverence—The Rock Star ends…?  Here’s a sneak peek at a scene from A Christmas Angel (releasing Christmas 2019), a sequel to Summer of Irreverence-The Rock Star. Here, Malcolm Angel, the biggest rock star in the world, is playing for the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in Manhattan. 😊 His friend, legendary musician Stephen Craine is ill, and Malcolm steps in to help him out. Happy Holidays!

(Excerpt from: A Christmas Angel Copyright – Cathrine Goldstein)

As soon as the drummer hit the downbeat of Stephen’s most famous song, the crowd went wild.

“Just wait,” Summer mumbled to herself. “Just wait.” She snuggled into her oversized down coat. She was toasty warm despite the frigid New York temperature.

The intro began and Jimmy, Malcolm’s lead guitarist, jogged on.

“Huh!”A collective gasp echoed across the crowd as women pushed their way closer to the stage to see if what they thought was going to happen—would. Sure enough, seconds later, Stephen Craine and Malcolm Angel slid onstage carrying mics. It didn’t matter Malcolm was the biggest rock star in the world; he insisted they enter together.

Malcolm threw his guitar over his shoulder, and it hung down his back.

“AHHHHH!” Fans rushed the stage as he began singing.  

Her heart raced, and she chewed the corner of her lip. Dear God. He raised an arm and his T-shirt lifted to expose rock-hard abs. His hands were covered in fingerless leather gloves, and his hair was perfectly mussed. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed. And the thing was, that was exactly what he looked like when he rolled out of bed. Under her coat she was wearing the sweater he’d just taken off, and she caught a whiff of his scent—strong, dark, dangerous.

Stephen sang the refrain, and thankfully, he was in good voice. No one would ever know how sick the poor guy was. The guitar solos wailed as Malcolm grunted and sang. He held the mic with two hands, pulling it close and then pushing it away in time with his heavy breathing and the audience’s screams.

“We love you, Malcolm!”

“I love you, too.” He winked at Summer, and she grinned.

She dared a glance over her shoulder. Women were shrieking and crying; clapping; singing; dancing wildly. Malcolm lifted a glove to his mouth and pulled it off with his teeth. He chucked it into the audience.

“It’s mine!” A woman in a long puffer coat and trapper hat jumped to catch the glove and held it to her chest as tightly as if she were holding a baby. Another, much taller woman in a shearling jacket reached out and tried to pry it from her grasp. Bedlam broke out as the two women pushed and shoved over Malcolm’s glove.

Her security detail stepped between Summer and the women. “Guys?” She glanced up at the two men Malcolm insisted stay by her side. She shouted to be heard. “I’m okay. Help them.” She nodded to the women, and her security reached out and separated the warring women. Summer took a deep breath, tightening her jacket around her. Thank God no one knew she was wearing one of his sweaters. It was unsettling to see what people would do to be near him. Summer exhaled, and her warm breath passed through her teeth, making a little puff of steam against the icy night. She wasn’t worried about herself, but she was worried about him.

She looked up at him. He had seen it all go down, but never missed a beat. He shimmied his guitar around, but before it made it to the front of him, he… 

Wait, what? Summer shook her head, trying to clear her brain from all the shrieking. Did he just…?

Her cheeks burned, and she must have blushed seven shades of red. Her husband, Malcolm Angel, a rock god, the most famous rock star on the planet, just adjusted himself onstage—on live television—during a Christmas special. And the worst—or best—part? She…reacted…when he did.

She pressed her lips together, fighting to calm her breathing and her desire. Her smile grew wider and wider as she thought about what he would do to her in just a few hours. Malcolm sang the next refrain with Stephen, sharing the mic, before breaking into a guitar solo.

She stared at Malcolm, stunned. Never, in the past eight years had she ever heard him play that song. He knew the music—he seemed to know just about every classic rock song—but he had just picked it up. Just now. He was absolutely incredible. His solo ended and Malcolm winked at her before turning to the band. The song finished, and Malcolm turned back to the audience and threw his arm over his head, holding the mic in the air. She glanced at the patch of dark hair climbing up from his faded jeans and collecting on his lower abs.

“Mm-mm.” He pulled the mic back down, and finished with a loud grunt.

The woman in the trapper hat tried to storm the stage, but Malcolm’s security kept her back.

Malcolm ran across the stage, high-fiving each of the band members and then waved to the crowd. Before he left, he nodded to security to bring Summer backstage, and then he sauntered off.

Summer stared after him, dazed, feeling worn but euphoric, exactly like she did when they spent an entire afternoon in bed.

“Mrs. Angel?” Security addressed her. “Ma’am?”

Summer shook her head. “Yes. Sure. Okay. Sorry.” She took a deep breath, needing to focus. Somehow, that incredibly talented, sexy man she just gawked at onstage, was backstage waiting for her.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Merry  Christmas to me

If you haven’t met Malcolm and Summer, check out Summer of Irreverence-The Rock Star!


B & N


Thanks for stopping by! Happy Holidays!